Sunday, April 17, 2011

Procedural Lockpicking Table 1.1


  1. Brass
  2. Copper
  3. Gold
  4. Silver
  5. Steel
  6. Wood (Carved)
  7. Wood (Druid created)
  8. Stone
If Trapped

  1. Needle trap
  2. Needle trap (poisoned)
  3. Gas trap (see subtable)
  4. Plate trap

Subtable 1: Gas type

  1. Sleeping gas; save vs. Sleep as if cast by a 15th level Mage
  2. Save vs. poison at -3. If failed there will be no immediate effect, but they, and all members of the party that come within 100' of them, will begin to hallucinate
  3. Flammable. If there is air in the room and an open flame is present, or there are sparks created, this gas will explode as a Fireball.
  4. Amnesiant. Save vs. poison or lose your memory of the past d6 days.
If a lock is Brass, it is never started with a Bump. If traps require one, use a rake or probe, instead.
If a lock is Copper, it is is started with a Twist. A Thwack will, however, open it 50% of the time, but the lock will jam if this fails. If traps require that a Twist be avoided, use a probe.
Gold locks are started with an Undulate or a Probe (50% chance of either). As they are soft, and prone to warp, there is a 25% chance (modified as appropriate) that the lock will feel stiff whether or not the action taken is correct.
Silver locks are generally magical in nature (75% chance). If so, come up with strange conditions for it, or roll on Table B. Otherwise, they are always started with a probe.
Steel locks are sensitive, and are never Bumped or Thwacked. They start with a Rake, or a Twist (50% chance of either).
Carved wooden locks are never started with a twist.
Wooden locks made by a druid are always magical. See above.
Locks made out of stone are never started with an Undulate. Regardless of whether or not the action taken is correct, Stone locks are always stiff. However, as they are hardy, there is only a 50% chance (per jam) that they will jam if incorrect actions are taken.

Needle traps do 1d6 damage, have a 35% chance of partially blinding the thief, and a 50% chance of carrying a disease. These must be started with a Twist.
Poisoned needle traps are as above, but have only a 25% chance of carrying a disease, and will, 1d12 turns after striking, (unless a save vs. poison/CON save/Fort. Save is made) do 2d20 damage each turn for 1d4 turns. Unless, of course, you want to use a different poison. This is just quick generation methods. An Undulate is usually required to start, though a Twist has a 50% chance to disarm one.
A gas trap has effects as determined above. These traps require a Probe.
A plate trap is a springloaded steel plate set inside the lock, which will jam it if set off. These require that the lock be started with a Rake. There is a 25% chance that the jam will be permanent. Otherwise, the trap will reset in 1d20d20 days.

Table B:

  1. Lock can only be opened by a small blond child holding a rat, on a Tuesday, in the rain.
  2. Lock must be exposed to jarred moonlight.
  3. The blood of three people (One of each alignment axis) must be placed into the keyhole.
  4. There is a face on the lock, which will ask about some odd detail of the culture of the original creators. A correct answer is required.
  5. Lock will only open if a key is made from the frozen, distilled brain juices of an Ithilid.
  6. Lock requires that a plant be allowed to grow into it.

1 comment:

  1. Forget the jarred moonlight - can we jar your genius?
