Saturday, December 17, 2011

Flash Feardelayed Again

Flash Fearsday is a microfiction challenge: write a horror story in 140 characters or less. If you feel that is too limiting, you can try for 140 words. Flash Fearsday was started at Porky's Expanse!; however, Porky was unable to continue hosting it, at which point it moved here. What will you create for the challenge?

My apologies for the lateness; I wrote up the post, but forgot to actually press Publish Post.

Edit: As the linking in the comments isn't working for me, here is the song that I recommend listening to while reading my Flash Fearsday: Link!


  1. It's good to see Jennie back - I'm off to hers right now. Here's mine.

    We built great barriers, burned worlds, warped light years and hid.

    But in the quiet of private quarters, in the dark, the enemy was within.

  2. The Chimney was ready
    The fire was ablaze
    Mommy had enough
    Santa would pay

  3. @Jennie: Interesting. Quite good, and it's nice to see one of these from you again. I'll try to get up a few more Expansion Joints, since I can't use the excuse that you haven't been posting for my stuff either anymore.

    @Porky: Hm. Related to the Worldboats, perhaps? I wonder if that's what happened to the Samiar... Also, it's interesting that this seems like it might fit in with the song I'm suggesting be listened to with mine.

    @ArmChairGeneral: Ouch. That's going to hurt, if he can't smell the smoke. But what is she taking revenge on him for?


    I actually wrote one up this time, finally... I suggest listening to this song while you read it, though, naturally, it'll be read before the song is finished.

    Watch the smoke through the window, rising from the town. Listen to the sound of the ram, beating against the door.

    They'll be through soon. The hinges are already creaking. The question is, how do I want to die? Executed by a traitor, or on my own sword?

  4. I'm getting the info that the user shut down that channel. But reading your story I almost shudder at the thought of what the video might be - not listening to it is also pretty freaky in that sense. The story itself is very effective, especially in how it turns inwards to that reflection at the end.

  5. Link?

    Let's see if Blogger can refrain from altering it this time...

  6. It works now. It's heavy stuff, and still very relevant judging by the debate in the comments there. A completely new group for me too.
