Sunday, April 1, 2012

A is for Arvastel's Alchemical Abeyant

Lynette frowned, carefully feeding a bit more wood into the fire. This particular potion was, to say the least, difficult, and the results unpleasant if it went wrong... Still, it was, without doubt, quite worth it; if she was going to be breaking into the Bell of Shadows, she'd need something that could stop the Bellkeepers, and keep them that way.

Seeing that it had gone back to the pale blue it was supposed to be at this stage, the witch smiled a bit, carefully adding some of the fine slivers of Daeling flesh she'd prepared earlier, shortly followed by the blood of a Night-Ghast, and nodded in approval as it began to shift to a black-gold hue.


Carefully holding the open vial, the half-angel grinned, silently advancing on the black-fleshed, slightly transparent, man before her; apparently, the softer boots, while not as durable as her other pair, had been a good investment, as he didn't seem to notice that she was there until she was less that a foot from him... By which point, it was far too late, as she'd already tipped the vial just enough to let a drop fall, and it struck him on the neck as he began to turn.

In the few seconds that it took him to complete the movement, he had already been affected, and the Bellkeeper slumped to the ground as soon as he was truly facing Lynette, any memory he might have had of her from the instant before he lost consciousness gone from his mind.

Arvastel's Alchemical Abeyant

Recipe, in the medieval style:

Take a good length of hair from a young Elf, and grind the half of it fine; add this to a fair quantity of slakewater, and simmer until luminous; while it heats, take the remains of the hair and place it within the shafts of a few Raviien feathers, along with a small portion of water suitable for the making of tea; this is then added to the mixture upon the glow becoming visible, and the whole brought to a boil, for such a time as it takes to take on a black hue, and begin to obscure light rather than produce it. When this occurs, several drops of angel's tears must at once be added, which will cause it to become luminous once more, and change in color to grey, swiftly proceeding to blue if the fire is hot enough. Shortly thereafter add a bit of the flesh of a Daeling, chopped fine, soon followed by a good amount of the blood from a Night-Ghast, thence occasioning a transformation from blue to black-gold, at which time it is to be removed from the heat and the substance, after a fair, but short, period carefully poured over witch-ice to fully cool, which, if done properly, greatly lessens the intensity of the glow.


To the layperson, the Abeyant is a powerful soporific, with properties that cause amnesia. This is, however, while certainly not unjustified, somewhat incorrect. It does not cause sleep, precisely; rather it causes a temporary and complete cessation of non-autonomic brain functions, accompanied by the loss of several hours of memory.

When a person is exposed to the Abeyant in some fashion, whether through a drop being placed on the skin, inhalation of it in a vaporous form, ingestion, or any of the other myriad ways in which such is possible, they fall into an immobile, though relaxed, state from which they cannot be roused until 1d6 hours have passed; in this state Detect Alignment shows them to be True Neutral, spells or psionics designed to read minds or emotions will detect nothing unless they are capable of accessing memories not currently in use (though those that can will encounter no resistance to the attempt). They also irrevocably (short of a Wish, direct divine intervention, or a Miracle) lose their memory of 1d4 hours immediately prior to coming in contact with the Abeyant.

Reasons for effects (Morilar-specific):

Daelings are capable of manipulating, devouring, and stealing memories; thus, it is a simple matter, especially for a witch, who are quite skilled, for the most part, in such things, to use it for sympathetic magic relating to that.

Night-Ghast blood functions in a manner similar to that by which the Daeling flesh is used; a Night-Ghast is capable of taking one's mind (and, in some cases, soul) to their realm, causing the body to become a barely-living shell until returned.

Angel's tears are one of the more straightforward ingredients - they're simple, though powerful, magic enhancers, and thus responsible for much of the strength of the effects.

Raviien feather function, in general, as a sort of magical glue, holding the disparate effects together, and binding them to the liquid.

Elves endure for incredible spans of time; thus, their hair is sympathetic not only for its direct connection to the head, and thus serves to further enhance the other effects, but for time, increasing how long it works for.

Witch-ice helps to amplify the sympathies, thus not only strengthening the whole, but making it be tied more tightly to the water and each effect to the others.

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